$ date -u +%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ # on receiving a block here # as in the block $ uptime # since last reboot 11:14:56 up 132 days, 21:31, 0 users, load average: 0.65, 0.63, 0.97 $ battery.sh 96%, Power Supply Online $ uname -snrm Linux singer 6.1.42-0-lts #1-Alpine SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu, 27 Jul 2023 12:27:13 +0000 x86_64 $ grep ^MemAvailable /proc/meminfo MemAvailable: 1720512 kB $ du -h -d1 .bitcoin/signet 228M .bitcoin/signet/indexes 66M .bitcoin/signet/wallets 1.2G .bitcoin/signet/blocks 136M .bitcoin/signet/chainstate 109M .bitcoin/signet/electrs 1.7G .bitcoin/signet $ df -h . Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda3 912G 642G 269G 71% / $ bitcoind --version Bitcoin Core version v26.1.0rc1 Copyright (C) 2009-2023 The Bitcoin Core developers Please contribute if you find Bitcoin Core useful. Visit for further information about the software. The source code is available from . This is experimental software. Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file COPYING or $ BC=$(bitcoin-cli -signet getblockcount); echo $BC 186449 $ BH=$(bitcoin-cli -signet getblockhash 186449); echo $BH 00000130fdb42e4151ecaaf97bbc29e44397488a81c0ee436cb1d51cb6a483bb $ echo $BH | tr 0 . | fold -w 4 | paste -d " " - - - - .... .13. fdb4 2e41 51ec aaf9 7bbc 29e4 4397 488a 81c. ee43 6cb1 d51c b6a4 83bb $ : Following is the shortform $ last=${BH#${BH%????}} $ a=$(echo $BH | cut -b-60 \ | fold -w 4 \ | grep -Ev '^(0000|[^0]{4})$') $ R=$(echo $a $last | cut -b-20) $ printf "%s: " $BC $ { echo $R | grep "$last$" \ || echo $R M; } | tr "0\n" ". " echo 186449: .13. 81c. 83bb $ : Following is the shortkode $ last=${BH#${BH%????}} $ nz=$(echo $BH | fold -w 4 \ | grep -cE '^[^0]{4}$') $ z=$(echo $BH | fold -w 4 \ | grep -c '^0000$') $ printf "%s sk: " $BC $ printf "%s %x" $last \ $(((${nz}<<4)+${z})) \ | tr "0\n" ". "; echo 186449 sk: 83bb d1 $ niceblack.sh $BH $BC | | | _ \ | _ \ _| | / _.__/_|\___/\__|_\_\ _ | _ ) / | | | | _ \ | _ \ _ \__ _|__ _|\_ / _|\___/\___/ _| _| _/ ,--- .123 4567 89ab cdef ---, | .. .... .13. fdb4 2e41 .f | | 1. 51ec aaf9 7bbc 29e4 1f | | 2. 4397 488a 81c. ee43 2f | | 3. 6cb1 d51c b6a4 83bb 3f | '=== ==== ==== ==== ==== ===' sf: .13. 81c. 83bb sk: 83bb d1 ................ .......|..||.... $ bitcoin-cli -signet getmempoolinfo { "loaded": true, "size": 1, "bytes": 153, "usage": 1248, "total_fee": 0.00000141, "maxmempool": 300000000, "mempoolminfee": 0.00000100, "minrelaytxfee": 0.00000100, "incrementalrelayfee": 0.00001000, "unbroadcastcount": 0, "fullrbf": true } $ bitcoin-cli -signet getnetworkhashps 978 186449 21008.11091212009 $ bitcoin-cli -signet gettxoutsetinfo muhash { "height": 186449, "bestblock": "00000130fdb42e4151ecaaf97bbc29e44397488a81c0ee436cb1d51cb6a483bb", "txouts": 1851862, "bogosize": 149110821, "muhash": "e7f61f031683c15b3a4a2ea066480321e8c6112d654d48371dca119e3189cbc1", "total_amount": 9322449.99789387, "total_unspendable_amount": 50.00210613, "block_info": { "prevout_spent": 9.91715715, "coinbase": 50.00009526, "new_outputs_ex_coinbase": 9.91706189, "unspendable": 0.00000000, "unspendables": { "genesis_block": 0.00000000, "bip30": 0.00000000, "scripts": 0.00000000, "unclaimed_rewards": 0.00000000 } } } $ bitcoin-cli -signet getnettotals { "totalbytesrecv": 199642, "totalbytessent": 54916, "timemillis": 1710242096994, "uploadtarget": { "timeframe": 86400, "target": 0, "target_reached": false, "serve_historical_blocks": true, "bytes_left_in_cycle": 0, "time_left_in_cycle": 0 } } $ bitcoin-cli -signet -netinfo Bitcoin Core client v26.1.0rc1 signet - server 70016/Satoshi:26.1.0/ ipv4 cjdns total block in 0 0 0 out 10 0 10 2 total 10 0 10 Local addresses port 38333 score 4 $ bitcoin-cli -signet -addrinfo { "addresses_known": { "ipv4": 448, "ipv6": 0, "onion": 0, "i2p": 0, "cjdns": 0, "total": 448 } } ### v2_peerinfo are in v2_peerinfo-signet.txt