# on receiving block 230896 here $ date -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' 2025-01-15T08:49:18Z # as written in the block header 2025-01-15T08:49:14Z $ uptime # since last reboot 08:49:17 up 164 days, 2:07, 0 users, load average: 1.79, 1.19, 1.12 $ battery.sh 70%, Power Supply Online $ uname -smnr Linux singer 6.6.37-0-lts x86_64 $ grep ^MemAvailable /proc/meminfo MemAvailable: 1079864 kB $ du -h -d1 .bitcoin/signet 639M .bitcoin/signet/indexes 14M .bitcoin/signet/wallets 4.7G .bitcoin/signet/blocks 559M .bitcoin/signet/chainstate 123M .bitcoin/signet/electrs 6.0G .bitcoin/signet $ df -h . Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda3 912G 829G 83G 91% / $ bitcoind -version Bitcoin Core version v28.1.0 Copyright (C) 2009-2024 The Bitcoin Core developers Please contribute if you find Bitcoin Core useful. Visit <https://bitcoincore.org/> for further information about the software. The source code is available from <https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin>. This is experimental software. Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file COPYING or <https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT> $ BC=$(bitcoin-cli -signet getblockcount); echo $BC 230896 $ BH=$(bitcoin-cli -signet getblockhash 230896); echo $BH 00000104a4dda31793ae88de07df416dc36e0fdf8dff0d0a510ad0cbad213756 $ bitcoin-cli -signet getblockheader $BH { "hash": "00000104a4dda31793ae88de07df416dc36e0fdf8dff0d0a510ad0cbad213756", "confirmations": 1, "height": 230896, "version": 536870912, "versionHex": "20000000", "merkleroot": "8bb9dd0f556c0a3673d40d042b4049d8c82891f4f701189768ad96ad023dd07e", "time": 1736930954, "mediantime": 1736926937, "nonce": 13519987, "bits": "1e0146ad", "difficulty": 0.003061092369273816, "chainwork": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000029f60482304", "nTx": 1157, "previousblockhash": "0000006c49b5c7d0450283903a9b17b9d31a929d2e178f6c3af3bedad74aa6f9" } $ echo $BH | tr 0 . | fold -w 4 | paste -d " " - - - - .... .1.4 a4dd a317 93ae 88de .7df 416d c36e .fdf 8dff .d.a 51.a d.cb ad21 3756 $ : Following was the shortform $ : from which shortkode came $ last=${BH: -4} $ a=$(echo $BH | cut -b-60 \ | fold -w 4 \ | grep -Ev '^(0000|[^0]{4})$') $ R=$(echo $a $last | cut -b-20) $ printf "%s sf: " $BC $ { echo $R | grep "$last$" \ || echo $R M; } | tr "0\n" ". " echo 230896 sf: .1.4 .7df .fdf .d.a M $ : Following is the shortkode $ last=${BH#${BH%????}} $ nz=$(echo $BH | fold -w 4 \ | grep -cE '^[^0]{4}$') $ z=$(echo $BH | fold -w 4 \ | grep -c '^0000$') $ printf "%s sk: " $BC $ printf "%s %x" $last \ $(((${nz}<<4)+${z})) \ | tr "0\n" ". "; echo 230896 sk: 3756 91 ### niceblack moved to the end $ bitcoin-cli -signet getmempoolinfo { "loaded": true, "size": 191949, "bytes": 29203968, "usage": 256842384, "total_fee": 2.13569498, "maxmempool": 300000000, "mempoolminfee": 0.00003522, "minrelaytxfee": 0.00000100, "incrementalrelayfee": 0.00001000, "unbroadcastcount": 0, "fullrbf": true } $ gmm.sh 1163 ## Current epoch estimation is -0.41% ## 1072 of 2016, i.e. 53%, 944 to go ## Current and previous two in numbers: $ bitcoin-cli -signet getnetworkhashps 2016 21802.78942908069 $ bitcoin-cli -signet getnetworkhashps 2016 229823 21892.24972206203 $ bitcoin-cli -signet getnetworkhashps 2016 227807 21300.15217646094 $ bitcoin-cli -signet gettxoutsetinfo muhash { "height": 230896, "bestblock": "00000104a4dda31793ae88de07df416dc36e0fdf8dff0d0a510ad0cbad213756", "txouts": 8784674, "bogosize": 690549745, "muhash": "12d82ae975d209997a25f01d7c0ccf65f60f3d2282441d2cf39943760dd5e61d", "total_amount": 11022127.19924825, "total_unspendable_amount": 297.80075175, "block_info": { "prevout_spent": 448466.64756322, "coinbase": 25.03948510, "new_outputs_ex_coinbase": 448466.60807812, "unspendable": 0.00000000, "unspendables": { "genesis_block": 0.00000000, "bip30": 0.00000000, "scripts": 0.00000000, "unclaimed_rewards": 0.00000000 } } } $ bitcoin-cli -signet getblockstats 230896 { "avgfee": 3415, "avgfeerate": 15, "avgtxsize": 296, "blockhash": "00000104a4dda31793ae88de07df416dc36e0fdf8dff0d0a510ad0cbad213756", "feerate_percentiles": [ 9, 9, 10, 11, 15 ], "height": 230896, "ins": 1194, "maxfee": 276000, "maxfeerate": 1502, "maxtxsize": 4479, "medianfee": 1000, "mediantime": 1736926937, "mediantxsize": 192, "minfee": 1000, "minfeerate": 9, "mintxsize": 150, "outs": 4625, "subsidy": 2500000000, "swtotal_size": 343068, "swtotal_weight": 994884, "swtxs": 1155, "time": 1736930954, "total_out": 44846660807812, "total_size": 343257, "total_weight": 995640, "totalfee": 3948510, "txs": 1157, "utxo_increase": 3431, "utxo_size_inc": 258793, "utxo_increase_actual": 3425, "utxo_size_inc_actual": 258009 } $ bitcoin-cli -signet getnettotals { "totalbytesrecv": 1047506459, "totalbytessent": 9064269766, "timemillis": 1736930960059, "uploadtarget": { "timeframe": 86400, "target": 0, "target_reached": false, "serve_historical_blocks": true, "bytes_left_in_cycle": 0, "time_left_in_cycle": 0 } } $ bitcoin-cli -signet -netinfo Bitcoin Core client v28.1.0 signet - server 70016/Satoshi:28.1.0/ ipv4 total block in 97 97 out 10 10 2 total 107 107 Local addresses: n/a $ bitcoin-cli -signet -addrinfo { "addresses_known": { "ipv4": 669, "ipv6": 0, "onion": 0, "i2p": 0, "cjdns": 0, "total": 669 } } ### v2_peerinfo are in v2_peerinfo-signet.txt $ bitcoin-cli -signet getpeerinfo | grep -w 'v2' | uniq -c 11 "transport_protocol_type": "v2", $ bitcoin-cli getpeerinfo \ | jq -r '.[] | select ( .transport_protocol_type == "v2" ) | .addr + " " + .session_id' \ | while read addr sid do a=$(echo ${addr%\]*} | tr -d '\[' | md5sum | cut -b-16); printf "%s\n\t%s\n" "$a" "$sid" done fa08293583b9d96a be86b4561a2617784c8cd8010fd9c8b71a2936021a0fbb705bdce6a6a93f7045 33b44c6b25483550 0c0a69b32666cb723979407c41eea4a93dc9910eb275c3d60a851bdfd456e770 0bed4c5cb81c38df 38d800c50d0f787a80e6f80b9b0cdea838a85e7bebac1e9eb7fd774547baf18a afdde89eb84bd2f1 6792e7a914c563c1ae8540680ae80951940b212e8611b9e25942d70b2e21727e 0cff68d2e9b8e00c 9781e549df778b930065ed6915bbc304f8aaa80167fae14448145d61609c0e9c 40ec672fa3c05877 1b7b6cbad469d95e67b23f5dabf399a8d9542e599eaded65e414e5febef85f4f 70f0d4a3cb6abcac 86350272c5229f23384b88ca39bb92ff7a21cda22904117f7160a16d0ae404a6 20c48707316be3e2 002abfbcaeea6665f9ac712a3e0512032a99a8ec7a14ee641d953d99eac8d6f2 ef834d27a3123d9d 28b4ba55b8ff46b55cbe06308948f8894d1ee592f50237f0fe8f2430a36fb46d a37ca0a12b464ee8 e2abd8a8ca790da3a9e2607bb383b55554cd49487d622f74d5fdbd01ce0c454f a8ec4b496e8fd457 fba1075b27e81334ef230c790d22f295caba37d1d57d8b89ca8354cf2bfbf68a $ niceblack.sh $BH $BC ___ ____ ___ |__ \|___ \ / _ \ ) | __) | | | | / / |__ <| | | | / /_ ___) | |_| | |____|____/ \___/ ___ ___ __ / _ \ / _ \ / / | (_) | (_) |/ /_ > _ < \__, | '_ \ | (_) | / /| (_) | \___/ /_/ \___/ ,--- .123 4567 89ab cdef ---, | .. .... .1.4 a4dd a317 .f | | 1. 93ae 88de .7df 416d 1f | | 2. c36e .fdf 8dff .d.a 2f | | 3. 51.a d.cb ad21 3756 3f | '=== ==== ==== ==== ==== ===' sk: 3756 91